#4 - 10 THINGS NO WOMAN SHOULD EVER HAVE TO ENDUREHi everybody. This is the fourth of a series of ten videos that are illuminating ten things that a woman should never have to endure. And...
#2 - 10 THINGS NO WOMAN SHOULD EVER HAVE TO ENDUREHi everybody. It’s Taryn, I’m with justice4mom. And this is the second video in the series. I wanted to bring about the awareness of what...
#1 - 10 THINGS NO WOMAN SHOULD EVER HAVE TO ENDUREHi everybody. It’s Taryn with justice4mom. I’m here today with my mom, Cathy. And I’m going to be doing a series of ten videos. And the...
Pillars Of Society, FathersFathers are one of the most important pillars of our society. Therefore their care and love for their children is also of the utmost...
Toxic MenAre you wondering if you know one? With statistics such as: Every 9 seconds in the US a woman is assaulted or beaten. Or the fact that...
Standing Tall on Mother’s DayYesterday was one of the most special Mother's Days I have had. My mom and I spent it with 3 generations of mothers in our family. This...
Denim Day - Standing In Solidarity With All Women Like My Mother Who Have Been Abused By Men Like MyToday was #DenimDay, a day in support of women who have been sexually abused. This day was marked by an event in Los Angeles on the steps...
READY-SET-GO!Women Run LA recently held several runs in support of the non-profit, Safe Passage. As soon as I heard about it I signed up with my...
Results from My Trip to Washington D.C.I went to our Nations capitol DC with strong expectations. All of them were surpassed. First of all, if you have not been to DC, it is a...
This is MY DayToday is a great day! It is the celebration of the day I was born. And I can happily say I am proud of where I am today - my life, my...