Why my Mom had a Delayed Reaction to the Pain from her Domestic Violence Attack
My father domestically abused my mother, resulting in serious injury and a life of constant pain for her.
One of the ways that my father, Mike Rinder, the abuser of my mom, has victim-shamed my mom is by taking information out of context. One specific is the notation the paramedic made on the medical report they did at the scene of the attack. Under pain level, they wrote, "2 out of 10." They had asked my mom in that moment of extreme trauma and pain, which was her response.
My father, Mike Rinder, has since used this to justify his physical attack and make less of it.
Something that has really bothered me is the fact that my mom was in extreme pain just days later. It was at this point we found the physical attack at the scene of the assault was much deeper and more extensive than it initially seemed. And it is now 12 years later, and she is still in pain.
I finally found the answer by simply looking online. Upon looking, there were so many mentions and studies on it -- all of which made total sense to me. There is a known medical term for it which is Delayed Pain Reaction.
Here are just a few of the studies I found:
"Delayed onset pain means symptoms went do not begin immediately but come on at some point after the initial injury. In some cases, pain may begin a few hours later, while in other cases, the pain may be further delayed by days or even weeks."
And another asks why pain can be delayed. Very interesting and makes sense. "Delayed pain is most common in soft tissue injuries such as muscles, tendons, discs, and ligaments. There are generally two reasons for the pain not to be felt immediately following an injury – adrenalin and swelling… While adrenalin is very short-lived, swelling can last for long periods. Swelling is caused when fluid and white blood cells move into the injured area to promote healing. Unfortunately, the pressure the swelling can put on your nerves can cause pain. This process can take time which causes a delay in you actually feeling pain.
For example, many people who are involved in car accidents walk away and do not feel any pain. Then fast forward a few days, and they can’t get out of bed in the morning due to neck or back pain."
The last one: “Our bodies create immunities designed to mask pain. The brain releases adrenalin and endorphin as a defense mechanism in traumatic situations. Consequently, once the chaos of the accident is over, you have a chance to unwind from the drama. At that point, the symptoms are felt.”
It just made total sense to me, and it dispels the lie and the victim shaming by Mike Rinder, which is based on the fact that she said her pain level was a 2 out of 10. I was at the scene of the domestic violence attack. I know how much pain she was in the heat of the moment when the adrenaline was running high and for every day since the attack.
It’s clear to see, using the report written within the hour of the attack, the severely damaging domestic violence attack by Mike Rinder is an inaccurate gauge of the abuse and of the damage done to my mom.
With the lie dispelled, Mike Rinder can no longer use it to get away with damaging and hurting a woman. I'm really happy that I found this because it finally makes sense and is the truth about what happened.
I am posting this as I hope it helps other people who have had domestic violence attacks wonder why their pain was delayed and what they can do about it or why that is.