Mother's Day 2020
What a different Mother's Day than we ever expected! Some of us are physically with our mother this Mother's Day, some are doing it via face-time or zoom, or maybe going over to her house to put our hands against each other with a window between us, but all of us are celebrating them!
I am a big supporter of my mom. We have been close my whole life. She’s just one of those moms that when you look back and think about your time together you smile and think of how lucky you are to have her as your mom.
She is also a domestic violence survivor. That fateful day of the brutal domestic violence attack has lived with us. My love for my mother is the fuel that keeps me driving forward on my campaign to bring her Justice. Justice from the pain and injury my father, Mike Rinder, inflicted on her. With no remorse. No apology. No regret.
Each Mother's Day I stand proud that I spoke out against my father, Mike Rinder, and his abuse of my mother. And I continue to do so.
In this era of us spending a lot of time at home, the potential for domestic abuse is higher than ever. This is now the most important time to be vigilant and speak up if you or your mother or any loved one is in a position of even a potential domestic violence attack.